Thursday, July 20, 2017

I Did Not Fall and I Wish I Had

A couple weeks ago (June 22-26) I was able to take one of my teens to Steubenville of the Rockies in Auroroa, CO. A friend of mine who is a youth minister had extra spots and offered some to me. I offered them to 9 teens and got one. WORTH IT!

As youth ministers everything we do is for the teens but in God's greatness, love, and mercy he always has something for us. Well for the two weeks leading up to the conference I had been dealing with something personally heavy. It got to a point where I could not carry it anymore. It went so far to where I did not want to go on the trip. I was not myself for the first couple days of travel. And as my friend the youth minister and I were able to go off on our own for a little while to connect he shared how he could tell I was not myself.

I shared with him what I was going through. We spoke about how I had not been doing much self care (lifting, comic book reading, grading a beer with friends, etc, things that I did for myself). I thought that was a good revelation. But, it wasn't until that night during adoration that the real revelation.

During the Saturday night Eucharistic adoration procession is when I saw my fault. During Matt Maher's song, Lord I Need You, specifically during the bridge, is whenI realized where I had been going wrong. The second half of the bridge is what hit me, 

When I cannot stand I'll fall on you
Jesus, You're my hope and stay.
For the past two weeks my prayer life was crap! I was not relying, I was not falling on him. WE spent time talking about everything else that self-care is about EXCEPT for God himself!

I'll admit, even with that realization, even when I got back it was not easy. But, with the realization of where I was putting my trust and where I wasn't putting it, that eventually brought the situation to a beautiful reality.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Of Children, Theology, and Disney PART II

This past Sunday my girls and I were outside testing out our new slip and slide. I told them that we needed to go in and get ready for mass. My oldest Elanor, 5 years old, asked if we could just go the next day and keep playing. I told her that it was Sunday and that meant that we went to mass. There was mass on other days but Sunday was our requirement as Catholics. We were to keep the Sabbath day holy and as Catholics that’s how we do it as a universal family, we go to mass.

She then asked why we could to other days and I told her in the Church’s wisdom mass was offered daily, except Good Friday. I told her that we tried to go as often as possible because the more time we spend with Jesus, the more we come to know him and love him and then we are able to know and love our neighbor and even enemies more. “Loving enemies is hard and we need Jesus to help us with that,” I told her. She then said, “Like in Tangled.” “What do you mean,” I asked. She then said, “Like Mother Gothel. It must have been hard for Rapunzel to love Mother Gothel.”

Kids know what is right and wrong. They can even tell you immediately after something they’ve done if it was right or wrong. They know what love is. I’m learning as I continue to parent these intuitive souls that very little escapes their eyes and minds.

Of Children, Theology, and Disney

A couple Sundays ago we actually got to church for mass really early. After we sat down Adeline (3 year old) asked me, "Where is Jesus". I explained to her that Jesus is in the tabernacle in the form of bread. She of course followed up with, "How is he bread". I then explained how he promised to be with us forever after he ascended into heaven and one of the ways is in the Eucharist. When the priest calls down the Holy Spirit (when he puts his hadn't over the bread and wine) they change into Jesus. It still looks, tastes, smells, feels like bread and wine but it's essence, what it is now, is Jesus. And when we consume him he becomes part of us and we are to take him to other people and be Jesus in the world.

Elanor (5 year old), who was listening in, said "Like what Mufasa said?". "How do you mean", I asked. She explained, "Well, Mufasa told Simba that when they die they go into the ground and become part of the earth, then the plants eat them, then the animals eat them, and they are part of the animals and  circle of life like that."

With my mind blown about how she made those connections I replied, "Yeah, it's kinda like that."

Many people want to dumb down the faith and maybe even not try to explain difficult teachings to their kids. But in my experience they can grasp it. Our kids already grasp complex. Bishop Barron speaks about a daughter of someone at Word On Fire that can explain the entire main plot and story of the main Star Wars storyline complete with names of planets and characters.

"People say, “Oh Father, you can’t expect the kids today to learn the Bible.” There was a 9-year-old girl, the daughter of someone who works in our Word on Fire office. She came in one day – a real bright kid. And she has watched all the Star Wars movies, all six of them. And, honest to God, this kid could give you chapter and verse of the entire Star Wars saga. I can say Han Solo and Princess Leia. I mean, she’s way beyond that. She gives you every little detail of the Star Wars saga. Don’t tell me kids can’t learn the Bible. Don’t tell me they can’t learn every detail of the Great Story that really matters. In fact, the best of the Star Wars stories is an imitation of the Bible. So learn it and teach the kids and let them know who Jesus is." - Bishop Barron

I have a teen who explained the entire plot also with names of characters, tech, etc of Halo. My intern and I sat there for about an hour and a half listening to him. And he told it so well it was really fascinating. What I thought I knew about Halo was only the surface.

We send them to school to learn complicated subjects English, Math, Science, other languages, but the intricaces of the faith can wait? What if we really taught our kids the faith, our theology, salvation history? What if they could share their faith with their friends just like the share about Star Wars, Halo, Marvel and DC movies? Sharig their faith in an engaging and captivating way? Hmm, what a great idea!