Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lenten Series 6: Play the Tape to the End: Behind the Scenes (Conclusion)

Watch the final video here: Play the Tape to the End: Behind the Scenes (Conclusion)

This 6th and final episode of Play the Tape to the End does not have a well rounded ending. And it shouldn't, Antoine's journey is ongoing. The same goes for this Lent, just because it is Holy Week now and we are coming up on Easter, doesn't mean there will be a well rounded end to this 40 day spiritual journey.

This Lent of 2016 has been the most hectic Lent I can remember. I'm usually pretty good at slowing down during Lent, but that has not happened. Work was obviously still going on, though due to spring break, Holy Week, and Easter we only had one Life Teen event which was a full Saturday conference so not a small feet. I was also blessed to speak a a few different events and also portray Jesus in a living Stations of the Cross.

For most of Lent I'd say I thought it was going lousy. The main thing I was attempting to do for Lent was to wake up at my alarm and actually get up or if I got up before it to stay up. I wanted to do this for many reasons but mainly it was so I could life in the morning and also assist Erika with the girls. If I were up earlier I could have breakfast read, take care of the girls while Erika slept, and have some quiet prayer time before the day started. For the most part I though I was failing. But hindsight has shown me a different story. No, I have not woken up at 5:00AM all throughout Lent, but I have seen a progression in waking up earlier and earlier as well as being more intentional when I am awake and at home. My prayer life has also intensified. I have seen many fruits and received many important answers lately. And even though my prayer may not happen in the morning as I was planning, I've been intentional in getting it in once at church. I can be so scrupulous at times beating on myself because the change didn't happen over night. But one thing I've learned and in some situations have been forced to learn over this Lent is that slow and steady is sometimes the best way.

Also during this Lent I've been able to be present with a lot of people. I've been able to spend time with more teens where they are at, get to talk with great people and share space and food, and just be incarnational. I'm really hoping to have this continue on the other side of Easter Sunday.

My thought on Antoine is he is doing a lot of the right things and the people that are surrounding him are doing a great job of supporting him. If I were to sit down with him probably the only thing I'd add that I believe to be missing in his equation is God. He is not mentioned anywhere. Where do you turn in those moments of temptation? Even if you have accountability partners I think most times you involve them after the fact. Who can you call on in the midst of the moment? When you play the tape to the end, whether the cassette or VHS, music or movie, I think its better to share that with someone else and what better person than your Creator?

As we draw closer to the Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil on Saturday) let's try even more to slow down. Enter into, lean into each day and the events it is commemorating.

Here's a great resource: How to Make Holy Week Truly Holy

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