Monday, October 5, 2015

Fitness is Not Always About Going Beastmode

I love the struggle, the battle. I love the pressure that builds up in my head when arching hard and lowering the bar to my sternum in order to blast it back up. My head feels like it's about to pop. I look forward to getting the barbell in that perfect spot between my lower delts and my traps creating the perfect shelf to load body crushing weights on my back in order to squat down and push the world away from me in order to stand back up. I can't weight (see what I did there) to get to the gym, load the bar, and grab hold. As I attempt to push the ground away in order to pull the loaded weights off the ground the skin on my hands feels like it is about to rip off due to gravity pulling the weight in the opposite direction. Sometimes my skin does indeed rip off and I have to clean the blood off of the bar. In these moments I am proud.

But, not everyone enjoys this. Not everyone is trying to lift as much weight their body can handle before breaking. Not everyone is looking to be shredded to step on stage and be a living, breathing, sculpted statue. Not everyone is seeking some medal or achievement. Some people, just want to be able to move like a human and have a better quality of life. And some people, are in the gym and on the field to do just that. It's those people that can reach out to those turned off by the hardcore gym type that looks down on others who lifting past 200lbs or the shredded cardio junkie trying to motivate you past ecstasy.

Check this video out. I love her passion for fitness and people:

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