Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Awe of God's Wine

I’ve flown more often than I ever have in the past year and a half than ever before. Most of the time Erika and Elanor would fly out a few days early so that they could spend more time at home. This left me to take many trips out to TX alone. I remember one flight from Denver to Houston very specifically. I was sitting by the window and I was staring out at the view. I was in a state of wonder and awe at my bird’s eye view. I remember thinking to myself, “I don’t want to lose this.”

When I fly I always try to get a window seat if I can. I’m like a little kid every time I fly. Once I get my seat I’m ready and waiting for the plane to take off. Taxiing to the point where we would take off is just a tease. The take-off is a rush all the way to when we reach our coasting speed. And, this whole time I’m looking out the window. The accomplishment of human flight is amazing! To quote Louis C.K., “You’re sitting in a chair in the sky!” But, it’s the window that always draws me. I can never get enough of the amazing views that are achieved by making a 438 ton machine take off into the air. The views of the land whether plain or mountain, over water, or above the clouds always take my breath away. Whether it’s these views or any other achievement or part of creation, I don’t want to lose that feeling.

I think to lose that experience of wonder and awe is in a way to lose what Jesus spoke about when he said, “Amen I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it”, (Mark 10:15). Jesus is talking about total obedience and total dependence. I think if we really are obedient and dependent on God then we are also receptive to the wonders of his creation. The saints knew that when God shows up he shows off and that everything he created he created for us to be drawn to him and that we should be able to take it all in while at the same time knowing he is the destination. Creation is just a small part of God’s wooing us. St. Teresa of Avila puts our response this way, 
“The King seems to refuse nothing to the Bride! Well, then, let her drink as much as she desires and get drunk on all these wines in the cellar of God! Let her enjoy these joys, wonder at these great things, and not fear to loser her life through drinking much more than her weak nature enables her to do. Let her die at last in this paradise of delights; blessed death that makes one live in such a way.”

I do think there is a danger in needing our stomach to be pumped due to the wine Teresa is talking about. Everything in creation is pointing us to God. But there are many who don’t see the forest for the trees. They fall in love with the invitation and not the sender. They fall in love with the wine and not the wine maker. I have an acquaintance who enjoys the mountains and skiing in them. He will post his pictures from his vacation and talk about how much he enjoys nature. At the same time, he’s an atheist. When I meet people like that who are just so enthralled with what God has done to draw us to him I can’t help but think, “You’re so close!”

I don’t want to be the type of person that boasts, “I’ve seen that before” or “what’s so special about that”. I want to always be taken aback by magnificent waterfalls, beaches, powerful thunderstorms, clear blue skies. I want to gasp at views from the edge of a cliff or looking up from the foot of a mountain. I want to be mesmerized by the tiniest creatures and powerful behemoths. And I always want to feel blessed when in the presence of what a woman’s body can do in nine months.

There are some things that sometimes don’t seem like they belong on this earth. See for yourself: 

And check out this video to see the wonder of size in the universe and just how tiny we are: 

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