Friday, February 28, 2014

So you took a selfie with a red X, are you really #inittoendit ?

It’s February 28th, are you still in it to end it?

Disclaimer: I’m not proclaiming to know anyone’s purpose, inspiration, drive for taking part in the End It movement. I’m just expressing some concerns.

Fad movements really irk me. I have no qualms with the people who see a problem and want to make a difference. What bothers me is when these movements get going, become popular, people start jumping on the bandwagon (not necessarily a bad thing), and then it’s over. People took part, posted their selfies, wore the shirt, wore a bracelet, and then that’s it.

I know the main purpose for these is to bring awareness to the masses. And that’s the easiest part no doubt, and a necessity. But my question is what then? What more are you going to do? Now that the concert/rally is over, now that you have felt like you are a part of something and shown you are a part of something, where do you go from here? Talk is cheap. Pictures, I think, are cheaper (which actually in this case is good…cheap advertising). What about your time? What about your talent? What about your treasure?

Is this important enough to you to sacrifice time with friends and family and life style? Do you do something very well to where you can offer that talent to further the movement’s cause? Do you believe in this enough to sacrifice your hard earned money? Can you sacrifice that movie, concert, eating out, gifts to give, material wants, to further the cause?

Now, I will state my ignorance. Other than the website I don’t know how money is donated. I did raise my eyebrow at the $116, 735.50 raised. With all the celebrities pictured with red X’s and the X’s plastered all over social media, I would expect more money. But again, this is outside looking in.

Now please don’t get me wrong. I am not attacking the End It Movement. Slavery is not new, slavery has never stopped; so this is necessary. I commend those who started this and are lending a helping hand to the charities that are on the front lines by helping them get new donors and putting their names out there. This is a challenge to those taking the selfies, wearing the shirts and bracelets, wearing X’s for a day and washing them off later.

I want to end with a couple challenges. 1. If you wore an X, donate just one dollar. If everyone donated a dollar, just imagine. 2. One of the largest groups of slaves are sex slaves. Do you watch porn? Do you purchase/own porn whether videos or print? Do you go to strip clubs? Do you solicit prostitutes? If so, YOU are contributing to slavery. You don’t even have to make a purchase. If you just go to a website, free or not, you are giving them traffic and communicating to the industry that there is interest. Those women/men you may be looking at/paying may not be enslaved themselves, but those that are enslaved are there because someone started “small” with porn and then escalated and moved on to the next big thing to the point they wanted an actual warm body instead of a screen or page. Stop it! YOU are part of the problem. I don’t care if you need to toss hundreds/thousands of dollars worth of whatever product you purchased, go see a therapist, pastor, spiritual director, hit confession to get rid of this habit. Just do it. Your life and the lives of those around you will be better, and this will further the movement to stop slavery. If there is no demand there is no need for a supply.

End It movement:

Fight the New Drug: Pornography

Chastity Project:

Integrity Restored: Helping men break free from pornography addiction

Think a little porn is harmless?

Porn LITERALLY changes the way your bring functions:

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